Today we took the second half of a HUGE order to the post office. This order was placed by a really awesome young Japanese couple named Yuki and Miwa Homma. Check out their blog here:
I met them my first night in Pokhara. We shared a meal of Dal Bat and Lassi with the Timilmshina Family. While traveling through Pokhara, they fell in love with Tara and her contagious spirit. They wanted to help the organization out in some way. Tara asked that instead of just giving money, that they place orders. So they did a blog post on their travel blog and days later had an order for more than 300 products! They were continuing on to the UAE and left me with the responsibility of packing and sending products as they were finished.
The magnitude of this order allowed for the purchase of a new sewing machine! The CWSDP started two years ago with just one machine. Today they have five. Much love and thanks to Yuki and Miwa and all their friends who ordered products from the CWSDP!
New sewing machine=more jobs for women!
Good Luck Rachel. We wish you the best!